So here it is, the treasures of the Bintan Seashells! So here we go!
1) Helicostyla annulata, Yellow Banded Land Snail
These 2 shells were bought from a resort shop at S$1.40. I guess they should be native to Bintan or at least, Southeast Asia... A lovely yellow shell that is worth its price I think.
2)Murex poppei, Poppei Murex
This guy cost me S$3.00. Not a perfect shell but thats the best the shop could offer.
3) Turris babylonia, babylon Turrid
This one is a perfect shell and the best part is, it cost only S$1.00! It is the only one I have even though it is fairly common.
4) Unidentified Olive Shell
Ok, I have to admit. I did not actually try to identify it but I will try to look it up soon! Do help me if you know what species this is! :)
5) Unidentified Pink Moon Snail and Glyphepithema alapapilionis alapaplionis,Butterfly Moon Snail
I have tried many time to identify this pink one but to no avail... It has a pinkish-gold interior. Help me if you know please! :) The one on the left is a Butterfly Moon Snail, fairly uncommon in Asia.
6) Mitra ambigua, Ambiguous Mitre
I am not too sure if this is the correct species but it looks similar. Found it along the secret coast. :P
another photo...
7) Astraea calcar, Spurred Turban Shell
I actually managed to collect 2 others but none of them is as perfect as this one. This guy comes from the Mayang Sari bay, under the trees...
8) Fragum unedo, Strawberry Cockle
Hmm...although this guy's not really rare but I think it's one of the best. I never got to see one in Singapore. It is about the size of a ipod. :)
9) Worm Shell
This one's a beauty. I have never gotten any worm shell that is coiled so nicely and in good condition so this is my first!
10) Chicoreus brunneus, Burnt Murex
The Burnt Murex was my child favourite shell. Finally, managed to attain my wish to collect, not buy, these shells. best still, I got 8 of them...
11)Tellina rostrata , Rostrate Tellins
These shells are paper thin and I had to wrap like 7 layers of tissue paper to protect it. Luckily, all of them survived the trip back.
12) Janthina pallida, Pallida Janthina
I heard that this is a rarity 3 shell so I was extremely extremely excited when I spotted it. If not for that second look I probably would have missed it. This one's from Mayang Sari beach, lucky eh? :)
So here it is, the gems :)