
Sunday, 9 November 2014

The Southern Voyage


So after 2 months of not seeing the sea (HA), I finally decided to satisfy my desire by spending a whole day at the Southern Islands! Yep, the really ulu, god-forsaken islands actually hold a rich amount of fauna and marine life! not to mention, the seashells there were spectacular! If you are ever in Singapore/feeling bored with our mainland beaches, for just $18 you'd be able to transport yourself to a place likened to Bintan or Bali (And I'm not even exaggerating!) So sit back and relax as I take you on a journey to our Southern Islands of St Johns, Lazarus and Kusu Island!
 (On a side note, this station will be open soon!!!)
 Actuallt this is my first time catching a sunrise along a beach (usually I can't wake up... :(  )
 And this guy decided to wish me a very good morning before taking a dip in the sea! The Smooth Otters were initially spotted along our Northern Coasts but are now seen all over our island, using our local waterways as channels to navigate around the whole island! Welcome!
 The City Skyline
 Apparently that's a restaurant... Seems like a good place to hang out!
 Beneath the Casurina/Rhu Trees...
 And SEASHELLS! haha actually these were probably imported with the sand for reclamation... :/
 after a lonely 1/2 an hour ferry ride we finally arrive in the island!!! St John's Island was originally a quarantine island for incoming migrants from China/India/Everywhere and Pilgrims returning from Mecca.
 and it also boasts crystal-clear, aquablue waters with white sandy shores fit for swimming...
 Just look at the waters!!!
 But of course, my mission wasn't to frolic in the sea. So shelling I began, starting from the lagoon! Some common CUTTLEFISH BONES, CLAMS and a JAVAN FALSE LIMPET! Interesting to note that these limpets are only found among the Southern Islands (Probably due to the pristine waters there)
 The lagoon is surrounded by a breakwater and it seems that these two mangrove saplings have decided to call it home! Wonderful! (Sidetrack a little, LOOK AT THE WATER!!!)
 Sea grapes? Anyone hungry? haha ok I have no idea what these are... Any help? :)
 The whole tree is filled with it...
and do you remember that sometimes annoying shrilling/chirping sound you hear while in your classroom? BLAME HIM!
Ok I thought I could I.D. this while preparing this post but I was wrong. Anyone know what this is? HAHA
The fruits are HUGE!!!
The city Skyline ~
And look! Some reef fishes!
And here is where I was truly amazed! Like you'd expect to only see this probably in let's say... Florida or Indonesia? But NO! just look at the cleanliness of the water!!! I mean, in comparison with the mangroves at Sungei Buloh and Pulau Ubin, just look at the clarity of the water...
You can even see the roots and substrate!
And some very affectionate and friendly cats that would follow you around... Truth being told, St John's should just be called Cat Island.

As I slowly venture across to our next island, Lazarus Island (Ok, this is where the real adventure begins...)
A secluded portion of the shoreline (KIV: a low tide photo will be shown later...)
I wonder what is that island over at the far end... :/
And just a handful of LAND HERMIT CRABS! Amazingly, a healthy population still exists along our shores!
This place kinda reminds me of Roro, Sweden (refer to previous posts on hike through Sweden's SOUTHERN ISLAND ARCHIPELAGO!)
Crystal Blue waters
More crystal blue waters...
Ok I should stop...
Not to forget to mention this really isolated bay area with OMG sand and OMG water and OMG scenery!!!
Exactly like a photo from a postcard!

Ok, so it was 12 noon and I was starting to get hungry so I decided to take a break beneath a few trees at this secluded shore facing Kusu Island. (AKA Seashell Beach). Strategically located just opposite Kusu Island with a channel in between filled with corals, its no surprise you'd find shells so unique to this island or as a matter of fact, unique to this shore!
And I haven't even started shelling yet...
Yay to beautiful scenery!
I'm outta comments...

occasionally you'd find this really eroded CONE SHELL, or a beach-worn SNIPE-BILL MUREX crawling along the shore...
Looks like I'm not the only one having lunch on this island! XD
Seashell Beach
Ok so back to that bay area I was telling you about? Well, it did provide some really pleasant surprises such as 4 BURNT MUREXES, a TOP SHELL and a few COCKLES
beginning to realise that this beach profile is somewhat similar to that of Bintan? Like seriously, refer to the previous post on BINTAN (not the school camp one that one was sorta crappy...)
A 'WHADDAHELL" moment when you notice nearly 7 of these guys stranded on the shore! Why do this to yourself!!?!?!
My condolences... ;'(
So here they are... The BURNT MUREXES
and the TOP SHELL
Remember earlier when I told you something about a low tide photo and such? Well, by 1p.m. the tide went way way down, exposing this rocky shore! Sad story: This is probably one of the last few natural rocky shores in Singapore... Decided to brave the sun and sunburn to explore this stretch of unique coastline...
Cool Rockies
A usual resident among our southern rocky coastal profiles...
And look! A SCALLOP shell with a really tiny GUAM FALSE LIMPET on it!
The link bridge from another perspective...
and some sargassum forests
Ok... so the weather decided to play a joke and from getting a sunburn I eventually got drenched in rain... Like WTH haha so by the time I reached Kusu Island, I was unable to explore it...

Seashell beach from Kusu Island
History of Kusu Island: Read if interested. (I read it)
and there's this Chinese Tua Pek Gong Temple on this island. The pagoda in the middle rests on a pond with HUGE MILKFISHES, GROUPERS, MULLETS! Managed to have this really short conversation with this man who used to own a fish farm off Lim Chu Kang, who tells me of his times living on a floating fish farm!
Armed with an umbrella I decided to explore the shoreline one last time and I was not disappointed! Like look at this THORNY OYSTER SHELL!
Or this OLIVE SHELL!!!
Remember the Primary School Mould experiments where you'd place a piece of bread soaked in water into a plastic bag/box and 5 days later, observe like a whole colony of mould on it? Well, imagine doing it with pancakes and this is what you'd sorta get... ;P
This too!
And one more surprise before leaving the island... A WORM SHELL (with no I.D....)
and a Jellyfish... Poor poor Soul
Ok! I know this is a long post so here's a quick intro to some of the better collections of this trip! Thorny Oysters were pretty common...
And of course, 2 beautiful olives to round up this eye-opening trip! :D
On a side note, do follow my Instagram Page, whenslugandshellmeet!!! Unlike this blog (which see like probably one post every eon...), the insta page can probably entertain you weekly! SO GO FOLLOW IT NOW! HAHAHAHA